Building the Divided City

15. Stalinallee / Karl-Marx Allee

Tours of the Karl-Marx Allee are a popular way to get a feel for life in East Berlin and to walk in the footsteps of history. As you watch this video, notice the tour guide’s criticism of the boulevard.

  • Which of his claims do you find most convincing?
  • The guide also points out the disconnect between GDR propaganda and the realities of life for many in East Germany. In brief, what were the GDR’s propaganda goals in constructing this grand boulevard?
  • Near the end of the video, two tourists offer their perspective on the area. Which opinion do you most agree with? Why?
  • Many buildings along Karl-Marx Allee were renovated in the 1990s and others more recently. How is the boulevard used in the present era? What characterizes it? How would you characterize the boulevard in the present era?
  • Looking forward, what do you think are important elements of an urban boulevard? Where do you see the future of Karl-Marx Allee? How might it change in the next twenty years?

16. Alexanderplatz

On November 4, 1989, hundreds of thousands of East German citizens held a demonstration on Alexanderplatz. As the culmination of many months of protest, there were many speakers on that day. This speech by Christa Wolf, a leading East German author, details the demands of the people.

  • What is the central demand that Wolf details? Does she call for the end of East Germany?
  • What kind of revolution does she describe?
  • How is and how will this revolution take place?

17. Haus des Lehrers

Created by Walter Womacka, the mosaic “Unser Leben (Our Life)” wraps around the Haus des Lehrers and shows scenes from life in the GDR. Using the image here or those found on this webpage, examine the mosaic that encircles this building and answer the following questions

Image credit: Wladyslaw Sojka (
  • What are the broad themes of the mosaic?
  • Select a panel from one of the sides. Describe it in detail. What is shown there? Who is depicted? Does the panel tell a narrative?
  • What is the overall message conveyed by this mosaic about life in East Germany?

Websites of interest:

Berlin Wall Memorial

Berlin Wall on

Chronik der Mauer (Chronicle of the Berlin Wall)

Gedenktafeln in Berlin (repository for memorial plaques of all types in Berlin, only in German)

The Berlin Wall: A Multimedia History This site includes videos, an interactive timeline, and annotated maps of walking routes.

The Wende Museum a museum in Los Angeles, California